Welcome To BR FORCE

We are a CRM Built exclusively for the Direct Response Industry.


Reports is our reporting platform. Customer Analytics is our focus and we have designed reporting modules around them. Information is our main competitive edge.


Coming soon. We will be developing a portal for our Customer Service Agent to help our customer be served better.


Data Entry is our POS platform. Agents around the world utilize this platform to enter information on customer orders. We accept order from multiple channels like, WEB, MAIL, PHONE, RADIO, TV, SPACE ADS.. and many more.

Let’s Start crunching those numbers

Welcome to BR FORCE

We love Data, and we love playing with Data even more. We are in progress of developing a CRM system that understands basis of Direct Response Marketing. We are not only developing our tool for one channel of traffic which is what most CRMs out there do. We are committed to making an application that effectively tracks and maintain customer data across a wide variety of channels.

To get in-touch with someone from our support team please email [email protected]

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